Encountering Dharma doesn’t happen by coincidence or a stroke of luck. That’s not how it works. Things won’t happen before we are ready. Discovering and benefiting from the teachings of the Buddha is the culmination of a process of mental development that has evolved over lifetimes. In Buddhism, we call this process accumulating merit.

~ Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche


How to grow a bigger heart

There is such a need for bigger hearts, vast minds, for more tolerance, kindness and attitudes that includes everyone.


Finding Your Own Seat

Meditation practice is well-known in all cultures, but I would like to repeat a little vital point to use right ...


Basic Meditation

Relax, with your back straight and sit for a moment like this.

Make this decision: I will use this moment to ...


Learn to meditate

Most people have seen a picture of a person meditating.  Straight back, legs comfortably crossed, head balanced in extension of ...


Some People Say We Live in Samsara

Some people say we live in samsara. This is total nonsense. It is this mind that is either samsara or ...


The Buddha

The storyteller describes buddha in the past. The spiritual seeker yearns for buddha in the future.

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