Teachers at Gomde

Rinpoche teaches meditators
from all over the world

The founder and main teacher at Gomde is Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, a true master of clarity and kindness from the mahasiddha lineage of realization. He guides students on the path to compassion, freedom, and authentic insight.

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche resides in Nepal, where he oversees a large monastery and university for Buddhist studies, along with countless activities dedicated to serving and benefiting others. Rinpoche has established numerous Gomde centers and smaller Dharma Houses worldwide, guiding thousands of people in the Buddha’s teachings toward liberation.

The wisdom realized by the Buddha has been passed from one person to the next. These instructions are what Rinpoche shares at Gomde.

In 1995 meditation master Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche founded Gomde retreat center on Helgenæs and named it Rangjung Yeshe Gomde, which means Community of Self-Existing Wakefulness. A place for people to train in uncovering the deepest.

Gomde Meditation Teachers

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

The founder and guiding light of Gomde. A master of mildness, timeless insight and boundless helpfulness. His name means Sun of Dharma, and he truly shines dharma all over the world without partiality. Rinpoche is someone who transforms people life, by simple being with him.

Chokling Rinpoche

Tsikey Chokling Mingyur Dewey Dorje was the second son of Tulku Urgyen and the 4th incarnation of Chokgyur  Lingpa. Chokling Rinpoche was a master who transformed lives, by his mere presence. He was unpredictable, yet stability itself, playful, an like an infinite ocean of mildness. 

Phakchok Rinpoche

An eminent yogi, eloquent teacher, tantric master and also a family father. Phakchok Rinpoche teaches with great honesty, dignity and directness, with a razor sharp eye for inner transformation. With a rare ability to reach into the hearts of modern people, he guides with great care and sincerity.

Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Tsoknyi Rinpoche is an eminent teacher of the dzogchen lineage and the brother of Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche. He guides students through his profound insight into reality, a warm and carefree attitude, deep understanding of modern people and a eye for the subtle workings of body and mind.

Erik Pema Kunsang

As the Gomde resident teacher, Erik Pema Kunsang guides people to see and make room for natural qualities of openness, mildness and confidence. Having served his root guru, Tulku Urgyen, for many years, and translated numerous texts, he is now a beloved dharma teacher for countless people. 

Drupon Lama Tenzin Sangpo

One of the most senior and experienced monks from Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling and a beloved chant leader and teacher of tantric ritual. Lama Tenzin is a dear friend on the path for each of us, and with his vast knowledge and practice experience, he is able to guide us on all levels of the gradual path.

Erik Pema Kunsang is our Danish teacher who is often at Gomde where he guides retreats and sets the daily direction for the center. Erik is one of the eldest students of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, the great dzogchen master of our time. Teaches all levels of dharma in a simple, relatable way, he guides in people in natural presence and freedom with humor, curiosity and an open heart.

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