Learning and Practice

The heart of Gomde is to offer inspiration and instructions to discover freedom, relief, joy, and a greater capacity for kindness and compassion. These are not foreign qualities but like warming rays shining from the sun of our true nature. Yet, it’s all too common to forget and stray from this and get lost in habits and misconceptions. To be disconnected from reality is called samsara, and samsara is nothing but a state of mind. To learn and practice means to reconnect with our nature and potential, and to make space for it in our daily lives.



Dharma means to change for the better. It also means reality. The Buddha realized reality as it is, free from distortion or self-centeredness. Out of deep care for everyone’s well-being, he showed paths to help us see with undistorted eyes and hearts. Through learning and practice, we uncover this reality for ourselves. At Gomde, we follow the guidance of experienced teachers who provide methods we can directly apply in our lives.


Meditation is not about sitting still. It’s about recognizing negative habits and resolving them from within. This applies to our whole life. Training in this way isn’t something artificial or strenuous. Instead, we uncover it from within by freeing ourselves from temporary habits and misunderstandings that obscure our true nature.


Realization means becoming free from veils—everything that obscures the reality of who we truly are. To be free from veils is our natural state. At Gomde, you learn to discover moments of realization and freedom in everyday life, rather than waiting for a distant result. It’s about allowing the reality of freedom to arise in a deeply personal way. Freedom means being free from self-centered emotions, and it’s available to all of us whenever we genuinely open to it.

Reality and the Methods to Uncover Reality

This is the most meaningful study. As you train in the methods, reality is revealed in your own experience. That’s so meaningful. Learning through the living word, from mouth to ear, from a learned and experienced person, will help you see reality and how to realize. And yet, it is your personal responsibility to test this understanding so it becomes certainty.

The process where intelligent people gain personal experience through testing helps to develop a true contemplative and caring society.

“These days, we have good education, economical development and many technologies. But what do we lack in the world?

We lack kindness, love and respect.
Kindness brings peace to the heart.
Kindness is the antidote to all selfish emotions.
Kindness keeps away stress and depression.
Kindness helps us to get along with everyone.”

— Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

Like a Birds Two Wings

Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche often use the metaphor of the two wings of a bird to illustrate the path to loosen painful habits and let our innate nature flourish. One wing represents resting naturally—letting go of effort, being open, clear, and acknowledging what is real. The other wing symbolizes the good heart and intentions—a decision to change for the better, setting meaningful directions, and wishing to help others and ourselves. These are the two core elements of what we learn and bring into experience.

Sarah looking in

Retreats to Go Deeper

Dharma transforms how we engage with work, family, and our own mind. To reconnect, find inspiration, and deepen our aim, Gomde offers immersive retreats. These focused moments cultivate clarity, meaning, and kindness that ripple outward and enrich daily life.

Whether in group retreats or solo practice, you’ll find space to deepen your path. Every year, Gomde also hosts Vajra Gatherings focused on the sacred sadhanas of the Chokling Zabter tradition.

Explore our program calendar to discover retreats and teachings that support your journey.

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