Public transportation

Use to find a travel plan from your starting point to Gomde. The app shows how train and bus can be combined to get you to Rønde (25 min. from Gomde by car), Knebel (15 min from Gomde by car), or to 1 km walk to Gomde itself, Smedehalden 3, 8420 Knebel.


If you arrive at the AAR airport you can find public transport to Gomde using


To order a taxi to Gomde: 
Dan Taxi: +45 48 48 48 48
Grenå Taxa: +45 87 10 25 25
Ny landtaxi: +45 20 20 46 60

If you go by car to Gomde

Please offer any extra seats in this ride-share Facebook group. It’s a very big help for fellow participants from afar, as Gomde can be difficult to reach. Offer your ride in good time before the retreat, so there is time to coordinate.

Use the ride-share Facebook group to try to get a lift from Rønde or Knebel to Gomde or to coordinate sharing a taxi with other participants.

Public Taxi Service

There is a cheaper public taxi service called flex-tur. Bookings can be made all weekdays between 8-16h on +45 87408300. Flex-tur is operating from 6am until midnight. We recommend you use this service to get from Aarhus Airport or Rønde bus stop to Gomde. 

When booking a flextur you will need to mention the exact address where you would like to be picked up and where you would like to go. They can recognize when you say Aarhus Airport and Rønde bus stop with postal address 8410. Gomde’s address is Smedehalden 3, 8420 Knebel. 

You should book at least two hours in advance. Your trip might be shared with other passengers along the way, and is a bit more inflexible with pick up and arrival times than a normal taxi. The fare from Aarhus airport to Gomde is 182 dkk and 154 dkk from Rønde bus station. The price is per person.

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