Registration for The Indriyas – the five spiritual powers.

Start Date : 2024-04-19 End Date : 2024-04-25
Seminar Fee : DKK 0.00
Registrant Details

Contact person outside Gomde

As Gomde is remote from many kinds of public service and we have many guests from near and far, we would like every seminar participant to give us an address to a closest relative or other contact person to get in touch with in the very unlikely case of an injury or health problem

Special Arrival / Departure Information

If you plan to arrive or depart at other times than the start and end of the seminar, please provide estimated times of arrival and departure to help us planning for the kitchen, working teams, etc.
1 Single room DKK 6800.00
1 Bed in shared hut - female DKK 5000.00
11 Dormitory DKK 4500.00
16 Camping DKK 4500.00
Payment Detail

November 2024

Nov 28

Lev med Døden

  Lev med Døden   ...


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