Ocean of Amrita

Lama Tenzin Sangpo

Start Date : 2024-04-28

End Date : 2024-05-07





Ocean of Amrita 

The tantric ritual to reconnect with the timeless mandala
Ten days of workshops and teachings


April 28 - May 7
Gomde Denmark


Retreat master Tenzin Sangpo

Master of ceremony Chopon Buchung

Erik Pema Kunsang


Ten days workshop to develop skills and understanding of the tantric ritual Ocean of Amrita. In this amazing and profound vajrayana practice, we will learn the details of the deep meaning of the ceremony.

The Ocean of Amrita is a thousand year old ritual to reconnect with the divine inner life of a human being. Its transformative power and blessing will reach into all aspects of your life and reveal your sacredness. It cleanses the seeds of rebirth in the six realms for ourselves and all beings.

The ritual is also deeply connected to world peace, harmonizing the elements of the natural worlds and pacifying negative forces.


It has been performed here every year since Gomde Denmark began and thousands of people have participated. In the summer of 2023 Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche gave empowerment to 300 people.


During this retreat there will be opportunities to dive into:


The deep meaning of the practice

Torma making and preparing the ritual

Traditional chanting and instruments

Mudra, gesture with sublime meaning

How to arrange an authentic altar

How to be a tantric ritual attendant on an outer, inner and secret level


During this 10-day program we also practice Ocean of Amrita and apply everything we have learned.

You are welcome to attend as many days as you can. 

To register for single days, please write to gomde@gomde.dk

Schedule (GMT+1)

7.00 Practice session

8.00 Breakfast

10 - 12.00 Teaching and practice

12.30 Lunch

15.00 - 16.30 Workshops

17.00 - 18.00 Practice session

20 - 21 Q&A


Live Streaming Schedule (GMT+1)

7.00 Practice session

10 - 12.00 Teaching and practice

15.00 - 16.30 Workshop

17 - 18 Practice session 

20 - 21 Q&A 



All participants, both at Gomde and online, receive a link to recordings of the teachings sessions and workshops. Recordings will be uploaded on the same day.


Practical information

Prices include food and lodging. Not included, is your gift for the teachings.

If you have financial difficulties and sincerely wish to participate, please reach out to us on gomde@gomde.dk.



To reserve a place, please click register here at the bottom. Then, in the accommodation section, choose your preferred option. 

Arrival and check in on April 28th, in the afternoon. 


Online registration

To register for online participation, please click register here at the bottom. Then, in the accommodation section, choose your preferred online donation option. 

Please remember, our website is old. Choose online in the accommodation section and you will be registered for online participation, even though it might look different. 


Participation fees


Single day 

Dorm bed or tent: 400 dkk (55 EU) pr. night


Full 10 day program 

Single room: 7500 dkk (1008 EU) 

Bed in double room: 5500 dkk (740 EU)

Dorm bed: 3400 dkk (508 EU)

Tent or staying outside Gomde: 3000 dkk (408 EU)


Online participation: 

1000 or 2000 dkk (135 EU or 270 EU)


Sponsor (as individual, family or business)
EU / dkk - you decide: Donate here

Register Here

November 2024

Nov 28

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  Lev med Døden   ...


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